I just read a quote by Newt Gingrich, that “reasonable Conservatives” will come around and vote for McCain, and so Newt is not concerned about Bob Barr, Libertarian Presidential Candidate, taking votes from John McCain. Once again, that is the problem.
If Conservatives vote for McCain, they are trivializing themselves. Ever since the mid-term election of 2006, the Republicans have been looking for the route to regain the power of the majority. Misguidedly, they have settled on the theory that since the Democrat Party regained the majority by promoting their liberal agenda, that the Republicans would likewise promote a liberal agenda.
The Republicans totally missed the lesson of the last election – that the country wants a party that sticks to its professed political agenda – remember George H.W. Bush, “Read my lips, no new taxes.” He ran as a pseudo-conservative, with the promise to continue the Ronald Reagan era, but he folded like a cheap suit to the Democrats, and what should have been his second term was Bill Clinton’s first. Newt Gingrich was wrong, I AM a reasonable Conservative, and I want Conservatism to regain its prominence in American politics. If I and others vote for the Liberal Republican candidate, that won’t happen.
People tell me that if I don’t vote for McCain, it’s a defacto vote for Obama – Not true – it’s a vote FOR conservatism. People ask me, “don’t you want to win?” Meaning that a third party candidate can’t win. What is the benefit of “winning” when McCain will do nearly as much damage to the country as Obama, and will do even more damage to the Conservative Movement?
If John McCain somehow wins the election for President, the Republicans in Congress will HAVE to support him. That means supporting his Liberal Agenda. When that happens, they will further alienate Conservatives, and fewer and fewer will turn out to vote for Republicans, and the party will continue to veer to the Left looking to regain the majority – it’s would be the perpetuation of the current cycle.
If McCain loses, the Republicans in Congress would be an opposition party, and would be able to oppose the Liberal Agenda of Barack Obama. The Republican Party would have the opportunity to return to its Conservative roots. The point of a two party system is to have two parties with different philosophies. It is looking like the only way to give the voters a second political philosophy is to promote a third party, since the Republicans are becoming Democrats, and the Democrats are becoming Socialists.
John McCain is for open borders, amnesty for the Illegal’s currently in this country. He is against drilling in ANWR, he is for sacrificing the National economy on the alter of “Global Warming.” He is actively promoting “Cap & Trade” which will further injure the economy, raise taxes, reduce our National energy production, and make the